Sikre Betalinger
Betaling med kreditkort
You can pay with VisaDankort, MasterCard, Visa, JCB and American Express. If you have a VisaDankort, it is the Visa part of the card you pay with. Of course it doesn't cost you anything. Furthermore, UnionPay is on the way to be supported.
We only deduct the amount on your card when the order leaves our warehouse.
A larger amount can never be deducted than what you have approved during the purchase. If you return an item, we will automatically refund the purchase amount of the returned goods to your payment card.
Your card information is transferred via an encrypted SSL connection. It is a high security standard that makes payment by card on very safe. You can find more information about security further down the article.
When you shop at, the system automatically saves your card information in encrypted form. It's safe and makes it easier for you the next time you shop at, as you won't have to enter the card information again.
Increased security when paying by credit card: Verified by VISA and MasterCard Secure Code. VISA and MasterCard Secure Code use special encryption keys that increase the security of card payments on the Internet.
The benefit to you is that you do not need to install additional software on your computer in order to pay by card. All customers, whether or not they have already created a MasterCard Secure / Verified by VISA code, will automatically be redirected to their card issuer.
If you already have a MasterCard Secure or Verified by VISA code: You will be asked to approve the transaction with your personal code. Once the code has been approved by your card issuer, you will receive shortly after an order confirmation from Scandea.
If you do not yet have a MasterCard Secure or Verified by VISA code: To use this service, you must first create a code. You will be asked a few security questions before you have the opportunity to create a code and security questions for future use. The next step appears from the section above.
Please note: We reserve the right not to offer the "credit card" form of payment for certain orders. In such cases, we refer to our other payment options such as PayPal or bank transfer. available to you.